Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Tom and I had our very own Thanksgiving for the second year in a row. Since we can't afford to fly home for both Thanksgiving AND Christmas, we stayed here in Birmingham and relaxed and cooked our own little Thanksgiving feast! I got a free turkey (13 pounds!) from my second job so we cooked that up and added some sides and Voila! our very own yummy Thanksgiving Dinner!

Here is what our fabulous Thanksgiving Day consisted of:

Sleeping in (only until 9:00, but at least we didn't have to get up for work!)
Cooking breakfast (eggs w/ cheese.......yum!)
Watching football
Turkey prep! Here is the recipe I used, with some adaptations. (It's the same way I cooked it last year and it turned out great!)
Took the dog for a walk! (No, not our dog, unfortunately. We are dog sitting for a friend until Sunday).
More food prep.
More football.
Turkey Time!! Our full menu consisted of:

Roasted Turkey with Herbs

Mashed Potatoes with Turkey gravy

Turkey Stuffing

Broccoli & Cauliflower
Scalloped Oyster Casserole

Oreo Cheesecake for Dessert

(And wine, of course ;)

After dinner consisted of sitting around STUFFED and looking through flyers for Black Friday sales (even though I'm resisting majorly this year and only buying stuff we need.....i.e. new microwave since ours intermittently has sparks and flames coming from inside it when we use it lately!)

Here are a few pics of our day :)

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