Tuesday, March 25, 2008


So for the past year I've been obsessed with our budget. I look at it, crunch numbers, look at it some more, move around some numbers, look at it some more, and change some more numbers. No matter what I seem to do to the budget, money just never seems to magically appear on it! :)

So I've been trying to cut down on our grocery budget. I've been printing out coupons online for the past 6 months or so (for free) because I'm too cheap to buy the paper........but just recently I found out that the Dollar Store sells the Sunday paper for $1 ($0.50 off....yeah!) So I started buying the paper on Sundays for the coupons (and for the news too, of course ;)

Anyways now I'm obsessed with coupons and finding deals and I can't wait for Sunday to get the paper :) Here are my two best deals from last week:
1) 2 boxes of Betty Crocker Potatoes - Grand total = $0.19
2) Jar of Pickles - Grand total = $0.35
(Yay for double coupons and BOGO sales)

It's like a game! I LOVE going to Publix (local grocery store) and having the "Total Savings" section be more than "Total spent!"

Back to organizing coupons.............

P.S. Tom meets with his committee to qualify for his PhD on Thursday morning at 9 (central time). Please send him good thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Anne and I play that game at Publix too, but I think you're better than we are at it. It's pretty rare that our dollars saved beat our dollars spent. Maybe I should start cutting coupons....