Saturday, March 30, 2013

DIY: Nursing Cover!

I made my own nursing cover! I'm really loving this whole sewing thing.  I've been looking online at various nursing covers, but couldn't really find one that I liked.  Then I figured out that I could probably make one, and thanks to a combination of these websites (here, here, here, and here), I was able to make my own nursing cover, for less than $12!!!

I seriously used bits and pieces from all four websites, and then I think I even improvised at the end when I was sewing in the boning and attaching the straps. (I say I think because I couldn't really understand any of the instructions on any of the websites, so I just did what made sense to me).  I ended up making it a little longer and wider than was recommended, and made the straps longer too, because I'm tall and kinda expecting a big little guy, so I figured it was better to error on the side of it being too big.  I added some remnant terry cloth to the inside corners, and I'm debating whether I want to sew a pocket on the outside with some leftover fabric.  I ran out of steam today, but I'm definitely going to make a case for it with one of the website tutorials when I have a little more time.  Anyways, I think it will be perfect! (At least I hope!)

Also, remember when I just started sewing and I said I was going to learn by sewing some old rags? Well, I lied.  I made cloth wipes.  We're going to cloth diaper, so I figured cloth wipes were an easy way to learn how to sew.  I love them! They're so cute, and cost less than $15 to make. I just scoured the remnants bin at Jo Ann for cute nursery flannel. I trialed two different sewing methods. The first one just involved sewing a zigzag stitch around the edges.  The second one involved a little more work, but I think they turned out better.  If I need to make anymore, I will definitely make them the second way (fold inside out, sew, fold right side out, and top stitch).


Unknown said...

You are turning into a real sewing pro. I might have to get some lessons from you, I finally pulled mine out again after quite a hiatus.

Kendal said...

WOOO HOOOO on the cloth diapering!!!!! Let me know if you have any Qs!!!
PS - making your own cloth wipe solution is SUPER easy too!