Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring is here!

There are FINALLY little leaf buds on some of the trees here in Chicago!  The weather has been a little warmer lately and we planted some seedlings last week (indoors).  All signs that Spring is here!

I didn't want to plant too many things this year, because I don't see myself enjoying gardening while 9 months pregnant or with a newborn, so we kept it simple.  Oregano and arugula were the two main things we planted.  I also had some old strawberry seeds and wildflower seeds so I planted both of them, but I'm not sure if they'll grow - it's been a week and there's no sign of life yet. And of course our basil plant is still kickin' it from 2 years ago.  It's getting a little unruly, I think it's trying to tell us it's ready to go back outside and attempt to turn into a small tree again.

I had big sewing plans this weekend, but I seem to have come down with something so I'm trying to relax as much as possible in hopes that I will feel better and not have to miss any work. I have everything all set to make a crib skirt, a boppy cover, and a spare nursing shawl (to keep in the car and/or diaper bag). 

I also am starting to prepare my list of freezer meals that I want to have ready when the baby arrives. I can't believe it's getting so close!!  I still have just over 11 weeks to go but just the fact that I'm starting to plan meals and when we're going to make them is making it seem so real!!  There were some good deals on chicken and beef this weekend so we loaded up our freezer in preparation.  I'm getting too tired to do a full day or weekend of freezer cooking, so I'm trying to plan out several meals a week in the weeks leading up to the due date. 

Here are a few pics from our weekend!

Front window view
Tree outside the front window
My Poinsettia from NOVEMBER! I water it once a week and the thing just won't die
Smiling and happy after her walk on Saturday

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Spring (and my allergies) are in full force here in Alabama, glad you guys are getting a bit of the warmer weather now too.