Monday, January 14, 2008

Sarah's Visit

It's been 2 weeks......I guess it's about time for a blog update :)

My cousin Sarah and her friend Jess came to visit this past weekend. Jess is moving to Seattle from Erie so they took the "scenic route" and ended up coming through Birmingham. We had a good time. Friday night we went to a hip little bar called The Bottletree Cafe and enjoyed some vegetarian inspired dinner and a couple of bands. Saturday we went to Jim 'n Nick's for lunch and ate ourselves full. Yum. Saturday afternoon Jess left for Austin (but not before she locked her keys in her car....sad!) and we spent the rest of the afternoon sprawling on the couch being over-stuffed full of Southern BBQ and slightly hungover from Sarah's mad martini making skills :) We headed to a friend's Saturday night and explored the Vulcan on Sunday before Sarah's flight. Good times were had by all :)

Martini's from Bartender Sarah

The practically vegetarians taking the meat right to their mouths!

Me & Sarah at the Vulcan

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