Sunday, April 20, 2008

My second job....

About 16 months ago when I started considering taking on a second job, I have to admit I was doing it solely for the money. But in the past 16 months I've come to really enjoy it and consider it as a blessing (and not just the money part!). I try to work 1-2 Saturdays a month, which has been working out extremely well for Tom too. After he drops me off at 7:45, he goes into lab and is able to get a lot of work done (there's not a lot of people there Saturdays, so less distractions!). If he doesn't have to go into lab (which is rare), he's usually pretty productive around the apartment or he is able to run some errands for us.

I also really enjoy the people I work with. It's really a good set-up, since it's rehab I stay mostly in one place and am not running all over the hospital like I do M-F. Sometimes we'll have some low-level, difficult patients, but the change in pace, patient diagnoses, and age really sets it apart from my regular job at Children's.

Lastly, if there are 2 (or even 3...gasp...) weekends in a row when I don't work, I find myself becoming "bored" on Saturdays and just kind of lounging/moping around accomplishing nothing. On the weekends I work, I looooooooove my Sundays because it is literally my only day of rest, but on the weekends I don't work I seem to take Sundays for granted.

Having 2 jobs isn't something I will probably do for long, and most definitely not when we move back to the Phila-ish area, but for now, it seems to be working out pretty well :)

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