Monday, April 28, 2008

My Weekend

Friday night was pretty low key and ended up being pretty fun. We went to a local bar (Rojo), for this End-of-the-year-Party for Tom's GSA (Graduate Student Association). I say it was pretty low-key because Rojo is a pretty chill place and there weren't a lot of people there. So we had some free burritos (compliments of the GSA) and munched on some yummy tortilla chips and salsa. We were sipping our beers that we had just purchased when Tom's name got picked out of a drawing to win a free pitcher of beer! Don't say you've never won anything Tom! So we enjoyed a pitcher of New Castle and the company of a couple of our friends who were there as well.

Saturday I woke up at 7:15 to get ready for work (second job) and Tom dropped me off at 8 before he headed to UAB for a full day at lab. When I got there, I saw that the census was low and thought to myself Sweet, this is gonna be an easy day! Then another PT showed up and I thought we would have no problem managing it. Then a THIRD PT called and said she was running late and we realized that the manager probably cancelled one of us due to low census but none of us had received any messages. So I called her cell and turns out I was cancelled :( I never got the message, apparently she was having "phone troubles." So I ended up getting Saturday off unexpectantly! Yay for me :)

Sunday I was relaxing in my new favorite chair on the balcony, sipping some coffee and reading the paper, when I saw some interesting looking things that were going on in Bham that day. (Tom was in lab). So I went to this giant "Garage Sale" hosted by the Jr. League of Bham in search for a lamp. We need another one for our bedroom but keep putting off buying one. So I purchased this ugly excuse for a lamp

for $4 (okay so it's really not that bad, it's just not something I would pay more than $4 for).

Then I went to Magic City Art, an arts festival downtown. I thought I would go check it out, not really expecting to buy anything (while simultaneously secretly hoping they had exactly what I was looking for). And they did!!! I've been wanting a larger piece of art that somehow incorporates turquoise water, AND I FOUND IT! It was a complete impulse buy but I knew I would regret it if I didn't buy it. I'm not really sure Tom agrees :/ And it wasn't quite as good of a deal as my $4 lamp, but I couldn't resisit! It's not hung up yet but here it is.

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