Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas At Our House!

As you know, we weren't able to make the trip home for Christmas this year. It really hit me Christmas Eve, and I was actually pretty sad :( But we made do and we celebrated our first Christmas in Alabama with our first puppy! Here's a photo essay of our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!!

Burning our Bayberry candle on Christmas Eve for good luck!

Our tree with our presents wrapped underneath!

All our presents. Thanks Santa!

Tom and Bailey playing on Christmas Eve. I've titled this video "When Bailey Attacks!"

Poor Bobo lost some of his stuffing. I think I know what Santa might bring Bailey for Christmas!

She loved opening her gift!

Here she is opening her Bobo!

Her 2 Bobos!

There was a televsion show called "The Yule Log" and they showed this and played Christmas music! We had it on in the background while eating brunch and opening presents!

For brunch we had Wake-Up Casserole, fresh fruit, and mimosas, of course ;)

Here are our presents from each other! Tom's stuff is on the left and mine is on the right. We both loved our gifts!

For dinner we had Mustard-Wine Pork Tenderloin, salad, and stuffed baked potatoes! The potatoes came in an Omaha Steaks package that Kim & Steve sent us for Christmas! And for dessert we had Creamy Lemonade Pie! Yum!

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First Bailey video should have the caption....I love you daddy but I want my darn BOBO.....hahahahaa.

Hope you had a good Alabama Christmas...I'm excited for New Years Eve.