Sunday, September 25, 2011

Updates: Work, iPhone, Bailey

Not much to update this past week because I've spent more time at work this week than at home! We had a course this weekend that we hosted so we were all pretty much expected to go. It ended up being really great, a TON of information that sparked a lot of treatment and assessment ideas, but by mid day on Sunday our entire department was ready to head to the bar for lunch (which we may or may not have done).

Let's see, what else has been going on in my life......I did go ahead and get my iphone and I absolutely LOVE it!! My favorite app so far is MiMeals (which also happens to be the only app I've paid for so far) but I love love love it. It makes meal planning SO easy and keeps the kitchen free of my scrap papers that are always floating around with random meal ideas on them. I also really like Grocery IQ, which lets me build my grocery/shopping lists for different stores that I go to and also lets me add frequent purchases to a "favorites" list. (MiMeals does the same thing...allowing me to add common meals to a list). Anyways, I'm really enjoying my latest purchase.

Bailey is finally recovered after her acute GI illness. Let me tell you how fun that was *eyeroll* Actually, I have to credit Tom here because I didn't really do anything except pet her, crate her, and make her boiled chicken and rice while Tom had the lovely job of cleaning up her accidents. I'm not sure how she even got sick but I'm thinking she must have eaten something in the back yard that the alleycats or the squirrels drug in.

Also, Bentley must have filled Bailey in on how much fun it is to hang out in random places (At our last visit to Anne and Brian's, we learned Bentley decided her new favorite spot is in the corner behind a chair).

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