Sunday, November 20, 2011

It turns out, we've been busy

Sorry I haven't updated with anything exciting lately! We've actually branched out a little bit (never mind the fact that we've been here an entire year) and have been hanging out with some friends on weekends. A few Thursdays ago we went over to a coworker's house for dinner and drinks. Another one of my coworkers came too, with her twins (who technically weren't even supposed to be born yet at that point) and her husband. We grilled out (yes, 40 degrees is still grilling weather in Chicago) and drank entirely too much wine. It turned out Tom and I were the only ones who had to work on Friday (boooooo) but it was still a lot of fun.

Last weekend another coworker had a surprise birthday party (although I'm still not sure throwing a Surprise party for a 29 week pregnant woman is the best idea in the world). Thankfully no one went into preterm labor and we had a good time hanging out with the people I work with outside of work.

Tonight (today, rather) we went over to one of Tom's coworkers house for LOTS of food and some football. I should mention that his coworker is Italian (and his name is Luigi=awesome) so we literally had a feast and I don't think I have to eat again until Thanksgiving Dinner! They had plenty of appetizers (chips and salsa, fruit and dip, etc) out to snack on when we arrived. Almost immediately they served two large pizzas. I was getting kind of full when they brought out the cannelloni, but I sucked it up because how can you pass up such yummy italian food? Next came the lasagna. Next? Homemade pasta with sauce straight from Italy. I'm not even kidding, I thought I was going to explode. And for dessert? No less than 3 pies, 1 pumpkin roll (courtesy of me), and homemade tiramisu. A little bit later came some espresso, complete with a dash of Punch Abruzzo (a very strong, but very "cozy" liquor from the part of Italy that Luigi is from). Seriously, just looking at the picture on the label makes me want to cozy up by a fireplace and watch the snow come down for hours! And for a nightcap and to celebrate a Bears win? Of course, some Limoncello. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to bed :)

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