Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Birthday Staycation: In Review!

I'm posting this a little prematurely as Birthday Week will continue into the weekend, but I am going back to work tomorrow (let's hear it for a 2 day work week) and to be honest I have already forgotten things that I've done at the beginning of Birthday Week so I figured I should blog about it now.

I don't really remember what I did on Friday, other than enjoying a relaxing morning with coffee. I know that I blogged and went to PT (for my back, btw I love my PT, she's so great).  I think I went to Target too, but no pics so I couldn't have scored that many good deals.  Friday night I made homemade pizza complete with basil and oregano from our "garden." 

During the day we relaxed, cleaned, and prepared a little bit for Saturday night.  Our friend Paige was in town since her fiance was here for a conference so we had them over Saturday night. We grilled out and drank and ate entirely, entirely too much.  Wes's friends from the suburbs joined us, and we just hung out outside all night, catching up and enjoying the weather.  Bailey was exhausted and super excited to go to bed on the couch bed with her Aunt Paige and her new friend Wes. 
Birthday Cupcakes!
Bailey got a birthday cupcake from Aunt Paige too!

For breakfast, we finally checked out this local diner right down the street from our apartment. Tom and I had been wanting to go there for a while, and what better time to check it out than after the night we had.  It was AH-maaazing!  So good and greasy and good we will definitely be going back.  Bailey was so happy to be able to hang out on the couch bed all day that I just couldn't put it up.  It was storming outside anyways so we spent a wonderfully lazy Sunday afternoon cuddling on the couch bed and watching bad tv.  The storm tried to destroy our entire garden, but thankfully it looked worse than it actually was, and everything was fine (stay tuned for a garden update!). 
Sunshine Diner
Lazy Sunday
Storm Damage

My fourth 29th Birthday!! I slept in, enjoyed coffee in the sunny living room (way too hot to sit outside) and went for a little run around the neighborhood with Bailey.  Tom unfortunately had to work Mon-Wed, but Bailey and I still managed to have a good time. I went to get my haircut Monday afternoon (I was waaaay overdo) and then I did a little shopping before picking Tom up from work.  We went out for sushi at Umi, our neighborhood sushi restaurant and it was a perfect birthday dinner. 

Birthday Sushi

Tuesday was my Suzy Homemaker Day.  I knew I was going to have to plan at least one day to do a bunch of stuff around the house that has been on my To-Do list for a while.  I did a bunch of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, made homemade cleaner (why I had been putting this off, I have no was the easiest thing in the world!), made beercan chicken in the crockpot (too hot for the oven), whipped up some freezer meals for the upcoming weeks, paid bills, made chicken stock, cleaned the kitchen, and ran to CVS for a few good deals. 

Happy 4th of July! Unfortunately, Tom had to go into work today, so Bailey and I enjoyed another relaxing morning at home.  I got caught up on a few other things around the house, and might have played in the sprinkler in the back yard when I took Bailey down to go was just TOO hot! I went for a mani/pedi at this great little nail salon and then swung by to pick Tom up from work before heading home. We originally had plans to grill out, but it is just too hot. Instead, we're having soft shell tortillas with chicken, shredded cheese, avocado, cilantro, and my famous avocado/cilantro/lime dipping sauce!  We plan to relax on the back deck when the sun goes down and toast America's birthday while watching people set off fireworks in the neighborhood.  Cheers!
Pedicure and new sandals!

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