Sunday, July 07, 2013

A (much more subdued) Birthday Week Recap: List Style

Due to being 9 months pregnant and having to work most of last week, Birthday Week was a little more low key this year, but I still tried to enjoy as much of it as possible.  Here's a recap!
  • Bailey and I spent our mornings off (last weekend, 4th of July, this weekend) enjoying coffee on the back deck.  This weekend was a little more hot than usual but still very tolerable (especially compared to the heat wave we had last year)!  Well, I should say that I spent the mornings relaxing, Bailey spent the mornings stalking our next door neighbors until they let her in to give her treats.  She's lucky they love her as much as she loves them :)
  • Tuesday was my actual birthday, and I had to work (booooo).  It was actually (thankfully) a pretty light day. I was able to go for a walk around my favorite area (North Pond Nature Sanctuary) at lunch and lately a day at work isn't complete without a trip to Yogurtland!  
Birthday Flowers
  • We were off of work on the 4th so I tried to pretend that was my day off from my birthday.  I slept in, had coffee on the back deck, completed a few sewing projects and took a trip to JoAnn where I found some good deals on some fabric I've had my eye on for a while. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I'm sure something will come to me :)  Since everyone in Chicago sets off their own fireworks every year (still getting used to this concept), we sat on the back deck for a little while that night to watch them.  Bailey is definitely NOT a fan of the fireworks. She's so good though, she doesn't whine or cry or bark or beg, she just goes to the door and not so subtly lets us know she is ready to go back inside :)
  • Saturday night we decided to have a date night. Not a bad way to end Birthday Week!  We've had this gift card to the movies for a few years, and if you know us, you know that we don't really go to the movies that often. In fact, the last movie we saw was Star Trek in 2009 in Birmingham.  There wasn't really anything playing that we were super excited to see, so we figured we'd stick with tradition and saw Star Trek 2.  After the movie we went to dinner at Bonefish Grill.  Neither of us had ever been there, and we had some gift cards from a while back that just this week I realized we could use there.  It was delicious, and a perfect way to end Birthday Week. 


Unknown said...

I think the last movie I saw was with you guys. HAHAHAHA I guess this is some of why we're friends...who needs to see movies when you can sit on a porch and chat. :) Excited to get news of TB3's arrival. I'm going to call him that untill I hear another name :)

ALB said...

Haha, true. Don't forget that cold glass of beer while we're sitting on the porch chatting!!