Monday, May 26, 2014

Adam's Fun Day in the Sun

Last week was pretty nice weather wise, but Tuesday it was gorgeous out!!  And hopefully a nice preview of what summer is going to be like with the babe :)  We had a playdate scheduled in the morning at a local park with a mom's group.  I usually back wrap him for walks but it was a kinda far walk, already hot, and I wanted to have the stroller in case I needed a place to put him down. I wasn't sure how he would do, since the other day when we tried to go for a walk in the stroller he got mad until I put him in the ring sling, but he did great as long as I was walking fast ;)

We hung out on our blanket with some other babes and enjoyed being outside.  Adam decorated the blanket with grass and dirt and met a little lady who was interested in his sun hat :)  I put him in the swing again, but he was just not all that excited by it. It was also at the end of the playdate so he just could have been over the park by that point too :)

When we got home our downstairs neighbors were outside so we hung out with them for a bit.  Their kids are 2 and 4, so a little older than Adam, but the 4 year old was very interested in showing Adam all of his toys and new tricks. And Adam loves watching him!!

During Adam's afternoon nap I set up the baby pool I bought for him at the end of last summer (for $4 at Aldi!)  The neighbor kids were downstairs playing too so everyone hung out in the pool.  Adam wasn't too sure what the fuss was about at first but he quickly warmed up and began splashing and crawling around in the pool. 

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