Sunday, July 27, 2014

Adam's First Birthday!

I cannot believe how fast the past year has gone!  Adam turned one on Friday, July 18th.  We had a quiet little day on Friday as Little Bud was teething and having a little bit of an off day.  Friday evening we went to a local festival to enjoy the weather and celebrate a little for Adam.  He enjoyed his first bite(s) of funnel cake and we sat outside and listened to some music and enjoyed the nice summer weather.

Saturday my parents came into town for a few days so Adam opened his birthday presents, but he was a little unsure, and honestly more interested in the string than actually opening the presents (Bailey, on the other hand, was quite eager to help him open them).

OMG this posture...driving this pediatric PT mama NUTS!!!

After presents and some playtime we gave him his 1st birthday cake and let him go to town.  He was a little unsure at first, but eventually got his hands into it. I don't think he liked that the icing and cake stuck to his fingers so much.  He ate *some* of his cake, but honestly not a lot. He was much more interested in throwing it on the floor, and again, Bailey was more than happy to help out and make it disappear.

A few days later Uncle Matt arrived and Adam had a blast laughing at him.   He also enjoyed some of Grandma's homemade hamloaf and a few pieces of tomatoes (and again, so did Bailey ;) )

Before my family left, we enjoyed a dinner out at D'Agostino's and my cousin Laurel was able to join us.  Adam supported his hometown baseball team and LOVED watching the train (or maybe the fan) that drove around the top of the restaurant.  He's definitely my baby, because he didn't turn down any of the pizza that found it's way into his mouth ;)  

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