Sunday, January 18, 2009

Eagles, you break my heart yet again.........

I realize I've been slacking on my blog entries lately and haven't updated much about what's going on in our lives!! We've both been pretty busy since the new year with work, lab, and the pup! We started obedience training class with Bailey. We've had 2 classes so far and have learned "Sit" "Down" "Come" (she's still working on this one!) "Look" and we are also working on "Walk with me." Bailey has been doing pretty well. She has been excellent in her crate *knock on wood* and has never had any accidents in her crate so we decided to get her a soft mat to sleep on.

I think she likes it ;) The picture is from my phone with no flash so the quality isn't that great...I wish I had my regular camera ready to snap this pic! She has mastered the art of destroying plastic squeaky and soft stuffed toys. The last one lasted about 5 minutes. So I did some internet research and we ended up with a few good ones including The Galileo Nylabone, Planet Dog Orbee Snowball, and the Buster Cube Mini. She also loves her Bobo's, but she just destroys them so quickly! I stocked up on a few that were on clearance for special occasions ;)

Tom has been so busy in lab lately. He went in a lot over the holidays and got a ton of data. It was a good thing he did because he got sick last week so he wasn't in lab a whole lot. He's starting to feel better now. Work has been pretty busy for me too, and is about to get crazy ridiculous this week. But if I can just make it through the week it will be worth it......because Margaret and Matt are coming to visit this weekend!!! The last time the two of them came to visit we ended up having breakfast "shots" to ring in the new year! Of course that was Philly, and circa 2005. I'll let you know if 4 years and a trip to the deep south changes anything ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah...visitors!!! Will there be a trip to the dueling piano bar??