Saturday, April 03, 2010

April Goals

April is Health Month! One of my friends from work and I decided we would try to be really healthy this month because 1) Bathing suit season is fast approaching 2) We're both in weddings in the next couple months 3) We are trying to get as many points as we can for the Virgin Healthy Miles program at work. So far I've been failing miserably at the "eating healthy" part of it. But weekends don't count, right? Right??? So before I list my April Goals, here is how I did in March.

1) Open a Roth IRA. PASS!! Woooooooo!
2) Increase our savings by 9.25% Pass!! Increased by 9.5%!! Although we won't be able to save much in April, due to paying for upcoming costs/events, but that's why I made it a goal in March.
3) Get back into the habit of doing my back exercises at least 3x/week. Pass? I haven't really been keeping track, but I've been pretty good about going to the gym and doing my exercises this month, I think. Except for when I was sick.
4) Get halfway to Level 3 of the Health Miles program at work Pass!! I'm 2/3 of the way to Level 3!!
5) Complete another course for this Harvard online leadership course that I'm taking at work. Big Fat Fail. Hopefully next month. I did complete this other online course that we needed to take though. Does that count?
6) Book our Destin trip for May Pass! CANNOT wait!!!
7) File our Taxes Fail. Although not entirely my fault!! It takes 2 peoples information to file married filing jointly!!!!!!!! Ahem!
8) Menu Plan for the whole month of March Pass!!! This was so awesome, required minimal planning, and made dinner sooooo easy. I'm definitely going to try and stick with this!!

Goals for April
1. Complete an online Harvard Leadership course for work.
2. Go to the gym before work every Tuesday and Thursday (Oy.)
3. Not spend more than $50 for supplies for freezer cooking day (this includes chicken, which I need to buy A LOT of....hopefully it will go on sale soon!!!)
4. Take a break from all of my couponing. I'm not really sure what this will entail but Tom thinks I need to "give it a rest" for a little while. I actually kind of agree.
5. File our taxes.
6. Keep doing back exercises at least 3x/week!

1 comment:

Sara said...

I am so jealous that you can save so much money every month. Ooo... can you tell me how to coupon PLEASE!?