Saturday, January 15, 2011

Matt Takes Chicago

My brother came to visit on his way back from a work training trip to Dallas. He flew in Friday night after we got off work. He FINALLY got to meet Bailey and of course, she instantly loved him! He tried to turn her into a cuddler...but she really must have personal space issues because she just wasn't having it.
We went to dinner at this restaurant that Tom and I drive past every single day and always say we should try, Chief O'Neill's. It was cozy and still decorated for Christmas and we left with full bellies and platefuls of leftovers. After dinner we just hung out at the apartment and Bailey and the boys played in the snow in the back yard for a little bit. Bailey was so thirsty after playing and running the Basenji 500 that she ate a TON of snow.
Saturday we went downtown to Millennium Park and played around at The Bean and watched a bunch of eager ice skaters take the ice after the zamboni finally finished cleaning the rink.
We grabbed dinner at Gino's East and then got Matt to the airport in time for his flight. Tom and I are slowly eating our way through Chicago's Deep Dish Pizza and I am loving every bite of it!

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