Sunday, January 23, 2011

Peewee Hockey...a new reason to exercise!

The gym that we decided to join is a small little fitness center that is part of a local Chicago Park District. It's only a few blocks away, and was super cheap compared to the other big name gyms. Sure the equipment is a little old, but there is rarely anyone else there when we go so it's been kind of awesome. As if all that isn't enough, the fitness area overlooks a regulation size ice hockey rink, so there is usually something entertaining to watch while you are running.

My favorite? Peewee hockey!! We've seen them practicing a couple of times, and yesterday when we went there was a peewee hockey game. They were so cute!!! The majority of them weren't even as tall as the goal. My favorite is the little squirts who go speed skating down the rink only to belly flop and slide the rest of the way on the ice.

We had a pretty good weekend despite the frigid weather! Friday night we went to a place called Tiny Lounge to meet our friend Jess but left soon after we arrived because the place was packed (apparently they had a groupon that expired Friday). We went next door to a place called Bowman's because it was empty and looked warm. Turns out it was a Chicago/Iowa sports bar so our friend Kelly would have loved it! We had some great appetizers and met up with one of Jess's friends, so (excluding work) that brings the grand total of people we know in Chicago to 4.

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