Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Weekend

This weekend has been wonderful. It's been filled with the following things that just, well, make me happy :)

New couches Bailey moping around because her old beat up couches are gone (Okay, this doesn't make me "happy," but it does make me laugh to see how dramatic a dog can be) Tom playing the guitar Highlighting the teams I picked to win in my bracket Catching up with good friends on the phone Sweet mini peppers Tom imitating me on the couch "Lying there, typing on Dell mini, asking him to get me an Izze/tea/chapstick" (I happen to be lying on the couch right now, typing on Dell mini, drinking an Izze) Homemade pizza dough and calzones Coffee Going through 2 boxes worth of notes/papers/etc and recycling the majority of them, filing the rest ID Network Taking Bailey on a long walk to the park Thunderstorms Great deals Freshly washed linens Best Ever Chicken Noodle Soup

The moping didn't last long. She quickly found her new favorite spot ;)


Stacy said...

Yeah for new couches! They are very pretty and I am sure Bai will grow to love stealing your spot on them as much as she did the old ones!

ALB said...

Thanks!! She's already mastered stealing our spot! She would love for Casper to come and try them out!! There's plenty of room for him to perch on top of them and stare down the hallway if you leave the room for a minute!