Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not very bloggy

Sorry I haven't updated much lately. I just haven't been feeling very bloggy. That and we haven't really had anything exciting going on lately. The most exciting things that have happened to me in the past week are Bailey jumping out of the bath tub when I was in the middle of giving her a bath and Bailey cuddling with me on the couch for A WHOLE HOUR last night!

My work schedule has changed a bit too, making it pretty hard to update during the week. I work until 7 on Tuesdays and 6 on Wednesdays out in the suburbs so by the time I get home, I pretty much just eat dinner and then I need to go to bed. The commute is hit or miss, there is no logic to Chicago traffic. At times that you would expect it to be super busy I can fly up the interstate without a problem and at the times you would think it would be free flowing it's bumper to bumper!

We are thoroughly enjoying our new couches. Bailey has fully adjusted to them, and much to my dismay they are dog hair magnets :( But it's super easy to clean them with the one vacuum attachment so that's good at least.

I'm hoping to do another Freezer Cooking Day in the next few weeks. I just have to pick up a few small ingredients and then get motivated enough to cook everything!

Hopefully things will start to get more exciting as the weather warms up here in Chicago! We have some friends coming to visit (and possibly my parents) in the next few months and there are a ton of festivals this summer we are hoping to check out. Thanks for reading during the boring times too! :)

1 comment:

Chi-town Southerner said...

Oh, how I wish it would warm up in Chicago! Here's hoping!