Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Birthday Weekend

I think there should be a mandatory 3 day weekend every single month. It's so refreshing! We kicked off the weekend celebrating Tom's birthday on Friday. We had a low-key, relaxing night and enjoyed just being at home. Saturday and Sunday the weather was awful. Everyone keeps telling us "Ohhh, you're going to love Chicago in the summer!" If April and May are any indication of what the summer is going to be like, I'm not sure I entirely agree. 52 degrees and rainy kind of sucks. It rained so much Sunday afternoon that our street flooded! Only temporarily, thankfully.

It managed to clear up by Sunday evening and the sun even graced us with it's presence for an hour or so. Our new downstairs neighbors hosted a cookout, complete with dueling grills and a flagpole with an American flag and a Chicago flag (who knew Chicago had it's own flag?!) We enjoyed some good food and it was fun to meet some new people. We even got to experience the midwest's version of cheap local beer....Hamm's, otherwise known as a "Hamm Sandwich." I had bought a 6-pack of it because I have been wanting to make Beer Can Chicken for weeks. We never have any canned beer in the house and it was only $3.49 for the 6-pack at Dominick's.

Monday the weather finally started to turn around. Sunny with a high of 92 degrees. We enjoyed a little bit of outdoor time, but frankly it was kind of hot (I know! I can't have it both ways!!) Bailey was a little perturbed that we were here on a Monday, interrupting her busy day of lounging on the couch.


Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM!!!! Looks like you had a good weekend (minus the rain and flooding) but hope you have an enjoyable summer when the heat picks up for you.

Chi-town Southerner said...

I'm so happy that they finally turned on the summer weather! I don't know about you, but my Southern blood is too thin to cope with such a long winter!

Glad you had a fun weekend!

ALB said...

Kel - Thanks!! We're very excited for the warmer weather!

Chi-town - I hear ya...but I'm actually from PA, so you would THINK that I'd be used to the 6 month long winters! Spending 5 years in Bham is reaking havoc on my tolerance to different climates.