Saturday, May 21, 2011

I need a vacation

*Warning* I'm going to be a bit of a whiner in this post. I am ready for a vacation! Usually by now we have gone on at least a long weekend to Destin, FL. It's a bit (just a bit) farther of a drive from Chicago so we didn't go this year. We were hoping to take a mini-vacay for our FIVE year anniversary in June, but I've been informed no one else is allowed to take time off in June at work, so that's out of the question. *hmmph* We've been looking for a place to rent on Lake Michigan, but everything we've found is either too expensive or you have to go for the whole week. And if I'm going on a week long vacation I'd rather be in Mexico or the caribbean. *Sigh*

We're still trying to swing something in August, but in the meantime I think we're going to have a Staycation Memorial Day weekend or 4th of July weekend. As a matter of fact, I'm pretending to be on vacation right now. I'm lounging on our back deck with a glass of champagne pretending that I don't still have laundry to put away from earlier and trying not to think about the pie crust ingredients that are sitting out on the kitchen counter because I had big plans of making 4 pie crusts today for future dinners.

Also, Tom and I have different ideas of what a "Staycation" is. I think it means we should go do fun things in Chicago and come home and relax but not do anything productive (like clean, cook, or organize). He thinks it means stay at home and do whatever you want...which is pretty much what this weekend has been so far. Regardless, I'm looking forward to our 3 day weekend next week!

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