Sunday, June 03, 2012

Fulton's and The Back Deck

So far every Friday I have off of work with my new schedule has been fabulous.  This past Friday I slept in, did a few things around the apartment, and then headed downtown late afternoon to avoid some of the rush.  Tom and I were invited to a reception at Fulton's on the River through Tom's work.  Good thing I went downtown a little early, apparently Obama was downtown Friday evening (which I had no idea) so a bunch of the streets were blocked off (at 5pm on a Friday, good timing Obama!) 

I did a little shopping on Michigan Ave to kill some time until Tom was able to meet me.  At that point, we still didn't realize what all of the traffic was from, and we were debating how to drive to Fulton's from where we were parked (literally less than a mile) anticipating that it would take us forever to get there.  We accidentally ended up under Michigan Ave and on the lower level of Wacker Drive (think Blues Brothers movie) and somehow managed to completely avoid all of the mayhem.  It was awesome. 

Fulton's was delish.  We mingled with a few people from Tom's work and just enjoyed eating and drinking at a restaurant we normally wouldn't be able to afford!
View of Fulton's from the boat tour last weekend

Sushi and cucumber with crab salad

Hanging out outside

The rest of the weekend was pretty low key and relaxing.  Bailey and I spent several hours both days on the back deck (me reading, Bailey lounging), we grilled out for dinner both nights (Grilled Lemon Chicken and Savory Garlic Steak), and caught up on a bunch of things around the apartment.  I've apparently taken up reading as a hobby again.  I read The Help last month and I'm currently on the second book of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series.  So good!  My new hobby has not been good for the budget though - I would love to borrow from the library but I'm kind of hot and cold when it comes to reading.  I'll read one book in 2 days and then take 2 months to read the next one.  Oh well, somehow I'll manage.  Back to work tomorrow!

I could really get used to these three day weekends!

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