Sunday, February 10, 2013

AW! I did it again! (More pillows)

I made another pillow! Two to be exact! Well, technically I made pillow covers. They are amazing and I love them. I can't wait until it gets warm outside because they're going to be part of my new outdoor oasis.

I had my eye on some fabric that I had seen at JoAnn's last month, but was waiting until I had a good coupon to get it for 50% off.  I figured out how much fabric I would need (or so I thought) and went to buy it.  I was disappointed when she unraveled the bolt and it was 6" short of what I thought I needed.  She checked in the back for me, but they didn't have anymore. I asked if they were going to get some soon and so she checked the warehouse, out of stock there too.  While I was contemplating what to do, she offered to give me the "end of bolt" discount, which would basically be 50% off (the same as my coupon). Except for some reason, it was only ringing up at $10, so the total price came to $5!!!  I was so excited that I figured I would just make smaller pillows than I had originally intended.  (And later I looked it up online and saw that it is priced at $40/yard! Holy cow!)

Anyways it turns out I had exactly as much fabric as I needed, because for covers you are supposed to make them 2" smaller than the pillow insert size (who knew?)  I pretty much followed the tutorial from this website.  Here are a few pics of my progress along with the final product!!


Unknown said...

Great job ALB. You may become my new zipper person :)

ALB said...

Oooh, a zipper person. I don't know what that entails but I accept! :)