Sunday, February 03, 2013

AW! I made a pillow!

I *Big Puffy Heart* my sewing machine!!!  Why have I waited this long to get (back) into sewing? I sewed non-stop all weekend.  I made our rags all fancy, fixed a few dish cloths, and made a pillow for our future outdoor sanctuary!  I'm most proud of the pillow. And surprisingly, it only took like 20 minutes to make! And cost about $4.50. And is made of "outdoor" fabric so it will stand up to the elements! 
It's actually my starter pillow, or practice pillow.  I have my eye on some sweet outdoor fabric at Joann and I plan on making big, comfy pillows with that fabric. With zippers! Of course I'll let you know how that turns out!

I think it's all kinda frumpy because it hasn't been "used" yet. I'm hoping it will look more uniform over time

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