Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Excited about Fall!! Cooler weather.  Adam sleeping 2 hours in his bassinet last night!
Worried about Hmmm, oddly enough nothing is coming to my mind.  I guess I'm kind of worried about my work situation in 8 weeks but I just have a feeling it will all work out :)
Reading Baby message boards whenever Adam does something new/different to make sure it's normal
Creating A birth announcement....stay tuned
Loving This sweet little being sleeping on my chest, little breathing sounds, random baby smiles
Hating How attention-deprived Bailey looks sometimes
Wondering If Adam will end up being colicky or if the newborn fussies will just die down
Craving Everything fall related! Pumpkin Spice Lattes, pumpkin roll, zucchini bread
Hoping I can figure out how to get a baby, a stroller, and a dog down (and then back up) a flight of stairs by myself for a walk
Watching on TV Today Show, Will & Grace, HIMYM, House Hunters, Friends, Conan On Demand (Yes I'm watching a lot of tv these days. Don't judge, there is only so much I can do when Adam is nursing or sleeping on my chest)
Listening to Norah Jones Pandora Station, Mumford & Sons Pandora Station
Cooking Ha! If opening up a Chobani is considered cooking, then I guess a lot of greek yogurt. So thankful for freezer meals!
Looking forward to Purposeful baby smiles
Thankful for Adam


Unknown said...

Currently....I'm waiting for more sweet baby pictures :) Just saying. Worried that I am in the midst of packing and moving so I won't get Adam his baby afghan in a timely manner. But he can still enjoy it, next month....right?? :)

ALB said...

No worries! He'll never know the difference ;)