Thursday, October 10, 2013

My Perfect Day

Today was quite literally, a perfect day :D  I want to write about it before it slips away. 

It started early because I had to get up to pump (TMI - sorry) because Adam went another super long stretch sleeping last night.  I put coffee on and got ready for the day before Adam woke up (even though it was another 2 hours before I could drink my coffee, and it tasted a little burnt, okay so I guess in a "perfect" day I wouldn't have had burnt coffee). 

Anyways Adam woke up and we went through our usual morning routine. He went down for all of his naps today relatively easily (especially compared to yesterday, which was far far far from a perfect day). 
His first nap lasted several hours so I was able to enjoy my coffee while watching The Today Show, get dinner in the crockpot, prep a few sewing projects, tidy up the apartment, wash a load of diapers and a load of regular laundry, and catch up with the outside world via facebook and some text messages with some good friends.

Mid afternoon we had Adam's "Fall Photoshoot" which I prepped during one of his naps. He was surprisingly cooperative for it and I even got a couple of videos of him "talking". Here's a teaser/spoiler of his pics.  And this one is definitely my favorite! 

Tom got home and we all went for a walk to enjoy the beautiful fall weather.  Adam slept for part of it and Bailey had a blast sniffing the grass/sidewalk every 10 feet.  Later we gave Adam his bath and he amazingly went down at a decent time so Tom and I could have dinner together.  (Usually evenings are our hardest time of the day in regards to getting Adam down for his naps or for the night, so Tom and I usually eat dinner in shifts). And I don't know if our dinner was really that good or if I was just starving, but it tasted amazing! (Rosemary Ranch Chicken in the crockpot with brown rice).

And now I'm ending the day with a Sam Adams Octoberfest (keep sleeping Baby Adam!) and watching some football (Go Bears???) 


Unknown said...

That does sound like a perfect day...and of course a Bears win couldn't help but top it off. :)

ALB said...

They won? I went to sleep shortly after writing the post ;) I knew you would like the Bears part of my day :)