Friday, August 18, 2006

Team in Training

So if you are reading this, that means I have your email address, and most likely you received an email from me earlier today about The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. I have decided to join Team in Training and train for and complete a half-marathon in Phoenix, AZ on January 14, 2007. I have always been active in sports my whole life, but by no means have I been a distance runner (or even liked running that much!).

Running a marathon or half-marathon always seemed like this amazing thing that I secretly wanted to do but never thought I could. But now I believe I can for two reasons: 1) I ALWAYS tell my patients that they can't say "I can't" until they try. So I at least have to try. And 2) Team in Training benefits such a wonderful cause and I have talked to several people who, like me, were not big on running but completed a marathon with Team in Training and said it truly was a life-changing experience.

I have set a personal goal for myself to raise $4000 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Any donations, big or small, would be greatly appreciated not only by myself, but by everyone that the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society benefits, including patients, their families, and the doctors and researchers who try to find cures for such horrible diseases.

You can donate securely online at my Team in Training website at

I will also be tracking my progress on there so if you can't get enough of my blog, you can read my TNT page as well :)

Let me know if anyone is interested in joining Team in Training in your area and running with me in Phoenix in January! That would be so fun and some extra motivation for me as well! Visit to find a local meeting near you.

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