Monday, December 18, 2006

I did it!

I ran 20 miles! It was so hard but I did it! We ran up some killer hills too. Ugh, I HATE hills! Disney only has one tiny hill and it's actually an on-ramp to the interstate. I guess it's a good thing though because the Mercedes Half in February is going to have a few hills. And my fundraising is finished! I've raised $3,215 total! Thank you SO MUCH for donating to such a worthy cause! I'm so excited! Less than 3 weeks! Disney does this really cool thing where they put a chip in your racing number that can be tracked when you cross certain points in the race. If you'd like to track me and get updates on my time at various points in the race or just get an update when I finish the race, follow the instructions below to sign up via email or text messaging on your cell phone.

Go to
Click on "2007 Walt Disney World Marathon"
On the right, under "Event Info" click "Live results"
Click "Track a runner today!"
Then just enter your info online
Don't forget my new last name is "Bodenstine" when entering my name!

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