Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We got our tree!!!! Yay! I love it. There's a few pics below! My big 20 miler is this weekend! I'm so nervous. I know I can do it, because I did 17, so what's 3 more, right?! Ha.....we'll see! I'm trying to surround myself with any motivation I can think of because I'm running a little low in that department right now. We've got a lot going on this weekend too! But hopefully it will keep my mind off of being nervous about the 20 miler (think positive, think positive, think positive). Anyways I can't really think of much else that is going on right now. Running has consumed my mind, body, and soul, and will keep it for the next 26 days so I apologize if I'm a little spacey or not updating as much!

Our TREE!!!!!!!

Tom decorating our tree

Tom and I in front of the Poinsettia tree at the Botanical Gardens

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