Sunday, March 04, 2007

Coffee table

I love Ikea so much! We got our new coffee table! Yay! (Pic below). I was very good and fought temptation and didn't buy a lot of stuff that looks-really-cool-but-I-don't-really-need. Anyways the coffee table is cool b/c it spreads apart and has an insert that you can put in the middle to make it longer....which works perfect for entertaining or when we have tons of food on it for football games :) On the downside we now really want to buy the matching tv stand because my current one is a $25 one from wal-mart from about 6 years ago.

I had a really good time at my SCI course in Atlanta. The Sheperd Center in Atlanta is who sponsored the course. They are a regional catastrophic care center and see a ton of patients with spinal and/or brain injuries. Anyways I learned a lot, from how to pop a wheelie to go up a curb (VERY difficult, might I add), to all of the newest research at the cellular level in regards to spinal cord injury. Tom came out Friday night and we went out to dinner at Maggiano's with some of my co-workers and then we went to Rock Bottom Brewery for a few drinks. It was SO GREAT...we felt like we were in Philly again with Maggiano's and Rock Bottom! Luxuries like that don't exist in Birmingham ;)

Today I made another instant favorite for dinner. Pizza meatloaf. I got the recipe out of a recipe book that our church put together a few years ago. Do you sense a theme in all of my cooking (stromboli, manicotti, pizza meatloaf......)? I made some parsley potatoes too but they weren't that good.

My brother and his dog might be coming to visit this week! I hope Haliegh and the chinchillas get along!! She'll definitely want to play with them! Also my new goal is to update more than once/week....we'll see how that goes!

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