Sunday, October 05, 2008

What's new?

This weekend was pretty fun. Friday night I ran some errands and then we just hung out and watched tv. Saturday we nervously watched Penn State beat Purdue, and someone got so angry that they hit the table and sent their plate flying onto the floor (luckily it was empty!). And by "someone" I mean "not me." ;) Saturday afternoon we went to our friends Anne and Brian's shower at our friends Tara and Wes's house. Some good times (and good stories) were shared by all. I didn't quite get any reactions to the real stories on camera, so this one was reenacted but it was actually pretty authentic and funny on it's own :)

Saturday night we went over to our new friends Marji and Jon's place for a little get together. We learned what a marshmallow gun is and Tom got to bond with their cats (one of their cats...hahaha, the first time he ever saw a dog he turned over on his side and puked.....hahahaha).

Today I broke down and bought a new pair of running shoes. I think that was part of my problem when I hurt my foot. The pair I had before were a good pair of shoes but they just weren't a good fit for me. So I went back to my old tried and true Saucony running shoes. Then I went for a run and my foot felt great....although it felt great when I was running 5 miles before I hurt it we'll just have to wait and see I guess!

For dinner tonight I'm making stuffed pork chops - I got mad when I accidently cut through one of them >:o and honey roasted red potatoes. Everything is cooking now so I better go check on it! Overall it's been a great, relaxing weekend!

1 comment:

Brian said...

Gotta be one of the best pictures of all time....Staged, but not staged. Impossible some would say, but not for Wes and Kelly.