Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy News and Sad News

First, for the Happy News:

The Phillies won the World Series!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a crazy game 5, spanning over 2 nights due to some ridiculous weather, but they pulled it off, giving Philadelphia their first sports championship in 25 years!! Needless to say, Philadelphia was a bit ridiculous Wednesday night judging from online photos and pics messages received from our friends who were there (sooo jealous!!) Here are a few stolen from websites and received on my phone:

William Penn is taller than all of the buildings in Philadelphia again. The curse is broken!

Ice sculpture in the VIP tent courtesy of Jay

Chickie & Pete's After Party

Broad & Chestnut courtesy of Sushil


And now for the Sad News.

Pappy (my grandfather for those of you who don't know him) passed away Tuesday afternoon. He was 87 years old. He knew everyone and always had a great story for you whenever you saw him. We enjoyed some of the stories during our last trip home in September (including one about "Glow wood" and another about cutting open a big snake to find lots of little baby snakes inside). Pappy will be greatly missed and going home will not be the same without him there.


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry about your Grandpa. That's always sad to lose a grandparent.

Unknown said...

I'm happy for you that your team won however, I WILL NOT CHEER for any other teams victory until my own team curse is broken.


Brian said...

Anne, we're so sorry to hear about your grandfather. We're thinking about you and your family this week.