Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June Goals

June Goals
1. Get my back completely better (which means doing my core stabilization exercises EVERY DAY). Okay, so I didn’t do my exercises EVERY day, but I did do them fairly often……and my back is definitely getting better. Not quite 100% yet (I don’t think I’ll ever be 100%) but definitely much better.

2. What the heck.....stain Tom's bedside table. Pass! I did it. It actually looks really good – but it wasn’t the look I was going for at all. Oh well, Tom likes it.

3. Mail in our Acuvue rebates. Pass! For some reason I’ve only gotten a check for one of them so far. Hopefully the other one is coming soon! We both have different types of contacts so maybe that’s the holdup?

4. Increase our savings by 7.25%. Pass! We actually increased our savings by about 8.5% while I took a major vacation in the middle of the month. Wooooooooo go us!

5. Complete my Healthy Behaviors thing for work (It's the 6 week online "course" you can do to get $4 off your health premiums every paycheck. $4 x 26 paychecks....hey, that $104 is as good in my pocket as it is Children's.......especially since all I need to do is log in and click some check boxes). Pass! Woooo. Now I have to do this 12 week online “course” to get my other $6/month off my premiums. I wish I would have done both of these back in January instead of waiting until the year is half over. Oh well.

6. Transition Bailey out of her crate at night (This might be a several month project!)
Drumroll please……………………......................................
PASS!!!! Miss Bailey is officially out of her crate!! She has a big bed to sleep on right next to our bed. Her preferred sleeping position is for her back ¼ to be on the bed and her front ¾ to be on the floor. Like I said before, she is one special dog!

Now onto July goals:
1. Do my core stabilization exercises every other day....at least!
2. Get a new basil plant (yes I need a new one.....long story short, Bailey happened to my original basil plant) and possibly a tomato plant
3. Go to Art on the Rocks
4. Run a 5K in under 30 minutes (in rockin' retro gear)
5. Have the best 29th Birthday Week eva!! :D

1 comment:

Erin McCoy said...

haha many successess

and it's funny that bailey got your plant hahaha

and she is adorable -- yeah for crate transition completion!