Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy 1 Year Anniversary with us Bailey!!

One year ago today, Tom and I left work a little early and headed to the shelter before they closed to pick out a puppy dog. We walked around and around, and then saw Little Miss Bails, sitting all pretty while all of the other dogs were barking like crazy because it was time for their evening walks. Tom said "Those dogs are good dogs" (meaning Bailey), so we asked to see her and before we knew it we were walking through SuperPetz letting her pick out a bobo. Here are a few recent pics of her! This first one is one of my favorites because I caught her in the act of switching from one rawhide to a second she had stashed under her leg.

Playing or sleeping...that pretty much sums of the life of Bailey for the past year. Oh, and she has definitely become a couch dog!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

AWWWWWW.....look at your little Bailey!!!!!