Sunday, December 20, 2009

Yet another Fun Holiday Weekend

We had another weekend full of fun holiday festivities. Friday night we went to Matt & Kendall's house to celebrate at their annual ChristmaHannaKwanzaa Party. We enjoyed some homemade fudge along with other goodies. Bailey made out like a bandit with our Dirty Santa gift. Thanks to Stacy, she now has a brand new rawhide, a Christmas bulb squeaky toy, a "stuffingless" pheasant which she somehow managed to get some stuffing out of later Friday night, and multiple other doggy treats (Thanks Stacy & Casper!!)Saturday morning and afternoon was spent running errands, doing a little last minute shopping, mailing off some gifts, and finally writing all of our Christmas cards! Hopefully you'll get them before Christmas. Saturday night was my work Christmas Party. We played White Elephant and this time we weren't quite as lucky in the gift receiving department. Although we ended up leaving with 2 gifts, one of them being the gift we originally received, Boiley. The other being an ugly plastic "champagne" set with candles inside that was obviously regifted because the "To From" label wasn't even completely scratched off! It may or may not show up at next year's Christmas Party.
Sunday afternoon we headed over to Stacy's house for a Glad To Give Cookie Bake & Swap. We spent the afternoon whipping up a bunch of different cookies and holiday treats while enjoying some warm cider and watching the puppies play Twilight.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Hey Girl! I LOVE the picture of Bailey in the snow! Those eyes! Hope you're doing well! Happy New Year!