Sunday, April 03, 2011

Is she *really* from the South?

I'm beginning to question whether or not Bailey is a southern dog. Yes, we adopted her from a shelter in Alabama, but given her love of snow and today's events I'm thinking she was born elsewhere and somehow ended up in the South at a young age.

It reached 60 today in Chicago so I decided to take her for a long walk. We've taken this walk many times before, but the warmest it's ever been here on our walks is probably about 40. We got home and she was panting so much I thought her tongue was going to fall out of her mouth! For like 20 minutes, she kept trying to lie down on the floor, then she would get up and walk around and then try to lie down somewhere else. It was like she couldn't get comfortable. She scared me for a minute, but I think she was just hot. But seriously? We would go for walks in 100 degree weather in Alabama so I don't know what her problem is. In other news Tom's parents sent me a plant this week as a "Happy Spring" gift. It was a nice suprise, and I had actually been thinking about how we needed to get some plants in our apartment. When I called Tom's mom to thank her, she was telling me how she likes to have plants in the house to purify the air and how she hasn't gotten sick all winter. It was perfect timing, since I've been fighting off a sore throat, stuffy nose, and "bleh" feeling since Friday morning!

1 comment:

Chi-town Southerner said...

My kitties are definitely Southern kitties. I adopted them when I was living in Florida, and the poor things were totally FREAKED OUT the first time it snowed. Hope your puppy hasn't turned Yankee on you!