Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dear One Year Ago Me

I wrote this in a blog post exactly one year ago today

"...I am out of work (temporarily), in a lot of pain (when I'm not laying down), and about to move across the country but have no idea where we're going to live or where I'm going to work, have nothing packed, have not hired movers, and am in too much pain to start packing,..."

It all turned out okay! More than okay! You've been really smart about your back in the past year, and when it begins to hurt, you have learned to take it easy and rest. You've also been better about working out in the past few months, which has been great for your back (and your confidence, considering all of your pants still fit). You have a wonderful job with the perfect amount of autonomy, cute patients, and awesome coworkers. You live in a pretty kick-ass apartment, with pretty much the best group of neighbors you could ask for (I mean, they all watch Always Sunny and drink could you not all get along?!) And you don't have to worry about moving (for better or for worse) for quite some time! So No Worries One-Year-Ago-Anne!! Everything turned out perfect :)

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