Friday, December 23, 2011

Bake Fest 2011

So last Sunday I spent the entire afternoon baking tons and tons of goodies for Tom's lab. I'm most excited about my chocolate dipped pretzel rods with candy cane sprinkles! I was pretty sure I was going to mess it up, so I googled a few different recipes and followed the instructions from good ol' ehow.

Other goodies included:
I had thought I would try to plan ahead and whip up a batch of the sugar cookie dough and chocolate chip cookie dough a week in advance, freeze it, and then just bake it on Sunday.
Well, the sugar cookie dough made it through the week, but the chocolate chip cookie dough somehow disappeared a little bit each day from the freezer....oops. I didn't even care about the risk of salmonella from the raw eggs. It was so good it was worth it!!

So a few hours and 10 pounds later, I officially declared Bakefest 2011 a success :)

1 comment:

Dad said...

Here is the link to Grandma's cookies