Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas Weekend!

I hope everyone had a happy Christmas Weekend!! We enjoyed a lovely, quiet, and cozy 4 day weekend here in Chicago. Friday we both took the day off of work and headed downtown for a little Christkindling and holiday shopping in the Windy City. We were hoping that the Christkindle Market wouldn't be crazy crowded like last year, but alas, we were wrong. We were also disappointed to learn that they ran out of their famous "boot mugs" about a week earlier. So we had to enjoy our Glühwein from styrofoam cups. We still had a good time and enjoyed some yummy German brats.
We wandered down to Macy's and did a little spontaneous shopping. Tom got two...wait for hoodies and I bought a couple long sweaters and a shirt for work. On the walk home from the train, we decided to carry on the German theme of the day and stopped in at Mirabell, a local bar that we've passed a million times but have never been to. We loved it! It was cozy and Christmasy and everything in it was very German. We drank some Zwick'l and enjoyed the holiday spirit.
Speaking of Christmas Spirit, I had volunteered to work on Saturday (Christmas Eve) for my friend/coworker who is 8 months pregnant (but who has been having contractions on and off for the past 2 weeks). I was dreading going into work, but I knew if I were in her situation, I would be dying for someone to volunteer to work for me. Everything actually worked out perfect, because another therapist was asigned to work as well, and she said she could really use the money (and there was only one kiddo who needed to be seen - everyone does their best to get as many kids out of the hospital at Christmastime as possible), so long story short, I didn't have to work! Saturday we got caught up on some stuff around the house and went for our 2nd Annual Christmas Eve Walk to the park with Bailey. Unfortunately it wasn't covered in snow like last year, but we still had a good time. (I love that our shadows make us look like giants ;) Christmas Eve we enjoyed eggnog and a cheesy ABC Family Christmas movie (LOVE LOVE LOVE cheesy Christmas movies!!!). We were dying to open up some presents, and it just so happened that a package arrived from my parents while we were on our walk, so we opened a few presents while sipping our eggnog. My favorite? Beer and wine soap!!
On Christmas Day we enjoyed some yummy coffee (DD and Starbucks were on super sale during the weeks leading up to Christmas) while we opened presents. Bailey had a blast opening her presents. Her favorites were her racoon (see below) and the bone she got from Jackie and John Thomas. We thoroughly enjoyed our Christmas day, and topped off the holiday by watching Christmas Vacation (which was finally on tv Christmas night!)

Monday I did some post-Christmas shopping and scored some good deals! I finally found some Christmas stockings that I like, and just our luck they had an "A" and a "T" embroidered on the front of them. I also got some new clothes for work, a Christmas wreath, some completely teeny-bopper slipper boots (that I love!), and some clearance Yankee candles.

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