Sunday, June 02, 2013

Relaxing Fridays, Garage Sales, and Friends in Town

Why does the weekend have to go by so fast?!  I feel like it was JUST Thursday night.  I had another 3 day weekend this weekend, thanks to my awesome work schedule.  Friday I spent relaxing and doing a little freezer cooking (I made 3 chicken almond and rice casseroles - 2 for the freezer, 1 for dinner). I prepped a few sewing projects (more on that later) and relaxed some more on the back deck with Bailey.  I made a concentrated effort to NOT do too much because I was mad at myself for not enjoying my downtime the weekend before.  Besides, I won't have too many more Fridays all to myself...which is a good thing :)

Saturday morning I went garage sale-ing and scored a few more awesome baby finds.  No pics, but I got a few outfits (I swore I wouldn't buy anymore baby clothes, but these were too cute/cheap to pass up), a breatheable bumper, a super cute mobile, an infantino baby carrier (it looks like a cross between a bjorn and an ergo), a couple of toys, a sound machine, a carseat/stroller Bundle Me cover, a few bottles/sippy cups new in packages, and a few free stuffed animals for Bailey :)
Which she promptly beheaded

Saturday afternoon I went downtown and spent the afternoon with my friend Audra who was in town from Birmingham. Her husband was here for a conference, so we went to lunch and spent the afternoon shopping on Michigan Ave.  Audra has some dietary restrictions, so I found a gourmet vegan restaurant that was to her liking, Karyn's Cooked.  It was actually really good! I had probably the unhealthiest thing on the menu - whole wheat pancakes with syrup and strawberries, which was delicious!  Audra had a tofu scramble of some sort - I sampled the tofu and it was surprisingly good! 

All in all a good weekend!  Now if I can just get through a 5 day work week.......  ;)

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