Sunday, June 23, 2013

Some Baby B Updates

Forgive me for not updating since my last post! We've been busy trying to get things ready for Baby B's impending arrival and honestly after work I'm just kind of exhausted!  I've had two appointments since my last post, the first one everything was the same (BP still high, baby still low) but the OB I saw wasn't as concerned.  At my most recent appointment, my BP came back down again (thankfully) so I'm hoping it will sit pretty where it's at for the rest of this pregnancy.  I had an ultrasound and she actually had a difficult time measuring him because he is so low, but let's just say we're all 100% positive he's not going to be a tiny baby, regardless of when he makes his appearance! 

Yesterday a good friend from work hosted a small shower for us. It was so nice to just sit around and catch up with some close coworkers outside of work.  The weather was fairly cooperative, and everyone was so generous to Baby B.  We felt very loved even though we don't have a lot of friends and family in the Chicago area.
Me and Jen, the lovely hostess
Jen made everything herself - It was so delicious!
Cupcake Cake!

36.5 weeks!
Mmmmm sugary baby cookies

This weekend Tom also hung up the pictures that Aunt Judy got us for Baby B's nursery (or, his side of the nursery/office).  I love how they turned out and they are the perfect compliment to his little room! 


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you and Baby B are doing better! I was thinking of you both over the weekend. The nursery is adorable (and so are you). Can't wait to meet him!

Unknown said...

So excited for his arrival! Can't wait for pictures. I better finish off his gift he'll be here before we know it :)

ALB said...

Thanks ladies!