Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Happy Anniversary to us :)

Yesterday was our Five Year Anniversary from when we started dating! Unfortunately, we didn't do anything to celebrate because I had a casting lab at work until 6 and then Tom had a dodgeball game at 7:15 and I had to train as well. But I think we're going to go out to dinner tonight :) I'm not sure how much longer we'll celebrate our dating anniversary now that we are married but we thought 5 years was special.

So we went to the Gala last Friday night and had a fabulous time! They had all these decorated christmas trees up in the lobby area that people could buy...they were pretty. Guess what? I bid on something at the silent auction! And guess what?! I won!! :) Haha, it was this really cute little doggy water and food bowl that was in the shape of a dog (painted black and white-just like a border collie!) and said "Merry Christmas" on it. I bid something really low...and really I just bid on it just for the heck of it. After dinner, we went back to the silent auction before it closed and only one more person had bid on it and only $5 more than my bid. So with 8 seconds before the auction closed I made an impulse bid (that was only $10 more than my original low bid) and I won! Here's the best part....after winning I realized that I had won more than just the really nice food & water dish....I won a certificate for a free annual checkup for a dog and free vaccinations for 1 year! Now, some of you may be saying "But Anne and Tom don't even have a dog." Well, you're right.....but I really really really really want to get a border collie and now we can take it to the vet for free! Plus on the SPCA website the feature dog is a border collie....coincidence? Plus my brother just got a really cute border collie from his local animal shelter too! Since our certificate to the vet is good for a year, we may wait until the spring or summer to consider getting one. We'll see :) Oh yeah, here's another best part about my silent auction bid. When you went to pay and pick up what you won, it gave you the retail value of the item....My bid was 80% off the suggested retail value!!!!

Ok, so that was just all the news about the silent auction. After dinner there was a live auction as well. Ok, let me back up...the whole reason we got to go to this Gala was because The Lakeshore Foundation buys a table every year and donates some of the tickets to the PT/OT department at Children's. The Lakeshore Foundation is this really amazing place that is a paralympic training site as well as a recreational facility for children and adults with physical disabilities (and it happens to literally be right down the road from our apartment). Anyways, sitting at our table were two people from of them one of the administrative directors and the other a paralympic world champion in water sports! He actually owns his own non-profit business, Adaptive Aquatics, and teaches kids with physical disabilities how to water ski and stuff. Amazing. Anyways one of the prizes up for bid in the live auction was a one-week trip to some resort in Colorado for 7 people. Rhonda ended up bidding on and winning this trip! It was went for like $3600!! And when she was bidding she kept looking at us asking if we "were in" or if we "want to go." And we are all sitting there thinking "Um, does she want us to go in financially or is she just being nice and inviting us along?!" Haha. I think she was just inviting us, but not seriously. We'll boss that was there with us has her email address. We took pictures with my new digital camera (aka disposable camera from walmart) so as soon as I get them developed I'll post them. I'll leave you with a pic of brother's new border collie :)

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