Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful (snowy) day! Yes, I said Snowy! It's snowing in Alabama!!! Actually, it's more like barely hardly even flurrying....with like a 1 mm accumulation on the bottom of our car windows. So maybe I should refer to it as "snow." We're actually probably more likely to have a tornado than a 1 inch accumulation of snow! Last night I was at an orthotic course for work and all of the sudden this siren goes off. It was a tornado siren! We had to move into the hallway for like 10 minutes. Then it hailed for like 5 minutes....and that was all. Man, the south has given me nothing but trouble....first allergies, then it puts me in the path of a tornado! (Just kidding, I love the south.....I guess ;)

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