But there have been plenty of times when I would inconsistently work out in the past several years. The motivation seems to be constantly changing and finding new motivation can be difficult. In college it was to look good for spring break. In grad school it was to keep from going absolutely insane. After grad school it was to look good for the wedding. After the wedding it was to train for a marathon. And after the marathon????????? Well, let's just say I didn't (and still don't) plan on training for another marathon anytime soon (and by "soon" I mean the next 50 years or so ;)
So one year ago today (technically yesterday), I made up a little chart on MS word that had 100 little check boxes in it and thought it would be fun to keep track of how often I worked out/ran/lifted weights/went to the gym and see how long it took me to get to 100. After I got to 100, I figured "Why stop now?" So I made another little chart and kept going and have checked off every single time I worked out in the past year. 168 times. Not quite every other day but more often than every 3 days. Not bad if I say so myself.
So now what's my motivation? Checking off my chart :) Although, I imagine that by the time I have 5 or so charts I'll probably be bored and need to find some new motivation. Another reason I like to exercise on a regular basis is because I have the potential to get very irritable if I haven't worked out in a few days. Just ask Tom :) Here's a pic of my little motivational chart with the past year's workouts recorded on it. Hopefully this is becoming a good habit that sticks with me forever..........here's to wishful thinking!
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