Monday, July 21, 2008

Yeah, we're ready for football!

This is what happens when you have people from all over the country gathered in one place anxiously awaiting football season! (I'm not sure who drew the "lion" but it's awful....I'm sorry ;)

This past weekend was pretty good. I worked on Saturday at my second job. Saturday night we went over to a friends for her birthday. We ate some yummy food, drank some yummy drinks, and swam in the pool. Also, we took pictures of the dogs (this was not posed, I promise!)

Sunday was a much needed very relaxing day. We went to the pool for a little bit and just hung out all day. I definitely needed that! In addition to being super stressful, work has been super depressing lately. Some things never, ever get any easier, no matter how many times you see it happen. Kids shouldn't be allowed to die, and parents shouldn't have to make all of the decisions that goes along with it. If anything, I'm just reminded yet again how wondeful my life is and how lucky I am that I get to wake up and go to work every day. Sorry this post turned out to be pretty depressing. Count your blessings everyone, I know I don't count mine enough.

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