Sunday, September 07, 2008

Plenty of Updates .........

Ah! It's been a week since I blogged last. Sorry...we were kinda busy this week. We both worked on Labor Day but we were both able to get out a little bit early, which was nice.

Wednesday night we went out to dinner with some friends at La Mesa. They're known for their tapas and mojitos and their mojitos just happened to be half price. They were good.

Thursday night we went to Jazz on the Porch (Scroll Down). They hold it the first Thursday of every month at this historic home right in Birmingham. They had a wine tasting and live jazz music and people would just chill out on the porch or the yard. It was pretty fun. (Sorry about the horrible picture quality...I took them with my phone).

Friday night Tom and I went out to dinner at Giuseppe's. It's this little Italian Restaurant on the South Side of Birmingham and it's sooo good. (Just writing about it makes me want to go eat my leftover calzone from the fridge....even though it's 8:50 in the morning!)

After dinner we met up with some friends at the Birmingham Artwalk. We went last year too and it was pretty cool. They set up all these artists in different buildings within a 6 block radius and you can walk around and look at the art. They have live music and draft beer too. (And good beer too! Sweetwater 420 and Birmingham's own Good People Brewing Co.) I really enjoy it because it's one of the very few times that there are so many people just out and about in downtown Birmingham.

Saturday we woke up early and Tom went into lab for a couple hours while I enjoyed my first day off after working 12 days in a row! Actually, I ran errands and cleaned the apt...but was glad to be doing those things and not at work. Then some friends came over to watch Penn State kick the snot out of Oregan State!!! And we enjoyed some of Jackie's famous Buffalo Chicken Dip and I tried my hand at homemade Hummus. Not too shabby if I do say so myself ;)

I'm not sure what today holds yet. Definitely some football watching (I WISH we got the Eagles down here!!!) Go Birds!!

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