Sunday, July 05, 2009

Ahhhhh the end of Birthday Week

Birthday week has come and gone (boooo) but it was definitely very fun. Habanero's was a good time Thursday night. It was fun to hang out with coworkers outside of work. Friday I spent relaxing and getting stuff ready for my party. Friday night we hosted a birthday pool/grilling party at the apartment complex. Everything was perfect except for the frat party that happened to be going on simultaneously on the other side of the pool. Oh, and then the cops came. Yeah. It was really ironic though, because they didn't even pay any attention to our group what-so-ever. They just went over to the annoying group of people and told them to shut up or they would kick them out. We think it was the combination of Anne's big hat and long dress, Tara's monokini, and the plethora of side-dishes that made them realize we were mature and having a mature 29th birthday party :)
My awesome birthday cake that Stacy made
Saturday, for the 4th we went over to our friend Paige's house since our friend Ashley was having a party for her husband/our friend Tony's whose birthday was on the 3rd. We had a good time hanging out with our friend Doug who left today for his new job in Baltimore. We played some wiffle ball, ate some good food, and watched Bailey and Jack have the time of their lives! I'm sad that birthday week has come and gone. Luckily I'll get to have another 29th Birthday Week again next year! And the year after that, and the year after that, and the year after that..................

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