Monday, November 16, 2009

Jason and Nicole's Ridiculously Awesome Wedding Weekend

Last Thursday we piled ourselves in the car and made the 12 hour drive to Pittsburgh to see Tom's good friend Jay get married. There are a couple of things you should know before I get started in case you don't have the pleasure of knowing Jay:
1) He's crazy (in a good way, of course). Completely wild. Just to give you an idea, I think he has an airhorn located in every room in his house in case the Flyers score a goal while he's not in front of the tv and he jumped in the pool in his tux after our wedding.
2) He's one of the most dedicated Philadelphia sports fans I've ever met
3) Nicole is from Pittsburgh
4) Philadelphia and Pittsburgh fans don't get along
The drive itself was not actually that bad. We had nothing but open road ahead of us both ways and didn't hit any traffic at all. Tom drove and I got to sit back and enjoy the scenary. We passed some interesting things along the way (specifically in West Virginia), including Fayetteville, WV, apparently voted one of the "Top 10 Coolest Small Towns in America" (seriously - they had a sign), home of Marian McQuade, founder of National Grandparents Day (another sign), and the western hemisphere's longest arch bridge (thank GOODNESS I didn't know how high up I was when we were driving over it...I might have freaked out at little!)
Friday we got to catch up with our good friends Joe and Laura while we waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. Jay wanted to make sure Pittsburgh knew that there were Philly fans in town.
Friday night was the rehearsal dinner at a fun little Italian restaurant, DeNunzio's. Thanks to Laura and my awesome detective work (and google), we found the restaurant without a problem. Jay got all of the groomsmen Phillies jerseys (except for Nicole's brothers - they got Steelers jerseys).
After the party it's the hotel lobby........(50 awesome points for whoever can name that song!) We caught up with everyone else after the rehearsal dinner. There was a cozy fireplace, a serious game of poker, and some not-so serious games including "One Brown Bear" and "Yama-Yama."
The ceremony itself was really nice. Oh, did I mention there were 22 people in the bridal party?! Yeah, it was huge.
We got to the reception and had a few minutes to mingle before the real ridiculousness began. They served PEPPERONI CHEESE as an hors devour which actually had tiny pieces of pepperoni in the cheese. This was the best thing ever and I can't believe I've never had it before!! I'm very excited about it and hope to find somewhere to buy it soon!!
Then the bridal party made their entrance. OF COURSE all of the guys had their Phillies/Eagles/Steelers jerseys on for this part. Each couple walked in to parts of different songs and then Jay and Nicole entered to the Rocky song "Eye of the Tiger." And they didn't just enter, they had a choreographed knock-out entrance complete with boxing gloves and the Rocky champion belt (Nicole won).

Next came the best Best Man speech ever. Jay's older brother Steve gave a really funny speech, and after everyone cheers'd he had one more question for everyone. "What is the best thing to ever come out of Pittsburgh, besides Nicole?" Of course all of the Pittsburgh people in the crowd started yelling "Six superbowl championships" but they were wrong. The real answer is "I-76 STRAIGHT TO PHILADELPHIA!!!!" and then immediately the Eagles fight song started blaring and all of the groomsmen and Jay stood up on their chairs (at the head table) and strated screaming the Eagles fight song. Awesome.
Just when everything calmed down again, the bridal party was called up for the bridal party dance. They started out slow dancing to "I've had the time of my Life" when all of the sudden the music stopped, everyone looked quite confused, and Bust A Move started playing. Everyone in the bridal party formed 2 lines across from their partner and Jay and Nicole started to bust a move down the line, followed by each couple in the wedding party. Luckily I had the inside scoop so I was able to get the whole thing on video. *Video to be posted soon - Be sure to check back, you don't want to miss this, trust me!*
Later in the night everyone was enjoying themselves on the dance floor when the DJ called Nicole to the center of the dance floor and placed a chair in the middle of the giant circle of people for her to sit on. Next thing we know, Jay has the mic and is wearing some pretty ridiculous props compliments of the DJ and starts serenading Nicole with Baby Got Back. Yeah, the whole thing, start to finish. Classy ;) Somehow I missed the garter toss which included a rubber chicken and a ginormous pair of old lady underwear. The rest of the evening was comprised of some great music, fun dancing, and even more props provided by the DJ.
Sunday we said our Goodbyes and made our 12 hour journey back home. We stopped to pick up Bailey from her BFF Jack's house on the way home and she was super excited to see us. Jack, however, was whining to Paige (his mommy) because he knew that us being there meant Bailey was about to leave. I'll post some pics of their Best Weekend Ever as soon as I get them from Paige. It looks like they had a blast!!

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