Monday, March 15, 2010

Baby Shower

Things I learned this weekend:
1) People who have babies give the best baby shower gifts (note to self - remember this for the future)
2) I'm actually not horrible at darts
3) I don't like games...wait, I already knew that (I really don't know what my problem is with games. I might need to get professional help for it someday)
4) The "other guy" in the Twilight series is actually a werewolf, not a normal person.

Saturday I went to my friend Ashley's baby shower at our friend Paige's house. Ashley and Tony got married last spring and are expecting their first baby, Noah, in May. Jack waited patiently for Bailey, but she never came :(
The shower was cute and Ashley is now well stocked with numerous baby supplies. There were multiple games played at the shower, of which I felt obligated to participate in a few. Kelly and Stacy played "Name the Song/Artist" fairly successfully. I passed on this one because I am TERRIBLE at "Name the music-related title/artist/genre/era/etc/etc/etc." Ashley threw back a few....but not in the sense that she is used to!! (another game....maybe this is why I don't like games? Because there is a chance that you may have to drink water out of a baby bottle??!!) After the shower we went over to our friend Tara's house to hang with the boys (who weren't invited to the shower). Shenanigans may or may not have ensued.


Unknown said...

I feel there is probably a really good story for the last picture!!???

Anonymous said...

If you don't look carefully, it looks like the mommy-to-be is throwing back a beer... but it's a baby bottle!